Picture file reference: Lezard Agama 004 _DX_4796
Name of the picture: Agama Lizard 004 _DX_4796
Location: Africa, East Africa, Kenya, Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy
Name (of animal) in English: Agama Lizard
Name (of animal) in French: Agame des Colons
Name (of animal) in Latin: Agama agama
Keywords: Africa, East Africa, Kenya, Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy, Wildlife, Reptile, Reptiles, Horizontal, Lizard, Lizards, Lezard, Lezards, Agama agama, Agama Lizard, Agame des Colons, Kenya, Female, Tree, Branch, Observing, Watching, Afrique, faune, Agame des Colons, femelle, arbre, branche, observe, regarde
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