Verreaux’s sifaka 003 _X213451

Picture file reference: Sifaka de Verreaux 003 _X213451
Name of the picture: Verreaux's sifaka 003 _X213451
Location: Africa, Southern Africa, Madagascar, Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park
Name (of animal) in English: Verreaux's sifaka
Name (of animal) in French: Sifaka de Verreaux
Name (of animal) in Latin: Propithecus verreauxi
Keywords: Africa, Southern Africa, Madagascar, Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park, Wildlife, Mammal, Mammals, Primate, Vertical, Lemur, Sifaka de Verreaux, Verreaux's sifaka, Propithecus verreauxi, Young, Portrait

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