Arctic Fox 046 _DY_2902

Picture file reference: Renard polaire 046 _DY_2902
Name of the picture: Arctic Fox 046 _DY_2902
Location: Europe, Arctic, Spitzbergen, Svalbard
Name (of animal) in English: Arctic Fox
Name (of animal) in French: Renard polaire
Name (of animal) in Latin: Vulpes lagopus
Keywords: Europe, Arctic, Spitzbergen, Svalbard, Wildlife, Mammal, Mammals, Vertical, Arctic Fox, Renard polaire, Renard arctique, Vulpes lagopus, One, Cub, Observing, Grass, Rocks, Arctique, Spitzberg, faune, mammifère , mammifères , renardeau, renardeau polaire, renardeau arctique, permafrost, pergélisol, lichen, roche, pierre, observe, regarde

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